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W. J. and Frances Edwards

planning a hospital - planning a community






W. J. Edwards receives the Spaulding medal

as the outstanding Black businessman of 1941


                 Edwards Service Station and Taxi Service









EBONY Magazine

Kenneth Johnson was a nationally acclaimed award winning black commentator on Oklahoma City radio station WKY. One of his broadcasts was chosen by the US State Department to be beamed to Italy.  The subject of that international broadcast was none other than W. J. Edwards. This is what Ebony said about Johnson:

“Perhaps his ‘biggest broadcast’—the one beamed to Italy and given publicity in newspapers around the nation—was the script about the millionaire black junkman, W. J. Edwards, who built a $500,000 hospital for blacks after his wife was turned away from one of the local white hospitals.”

(October 1948, Page 24)


In April 1949 issue, Ebony has an article about the 10 wealthiest Blacks in America. About W. J., Ebony states:

W.J. Edwards, 54  made a fortune in an Oklahoma City junk business after migrating from Mississippi in 1916. He now runs own realty firm with extensive holdings, a lumber yard, grocery and a big new $500,000 hospital. His real estate alone is worth $1,000,000. Most of his money was made as a dealer in scrap. (page 16)



Mrs. Hannah Waldrop in the

Edwards Hospital Nursery







The Edwardses offer ways to keep cool

in the Oklahoma summer heat...

The Edwards Lumber Company was just one of the many businesses owned and developed by W. J. Edwards. An Ice Cream Company was yet another Edwards business venture. Above is the front and back of a fan used for advertising.



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